International Journal
of Dark Tourism Studies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Shining Light on Dark Tourism
What is 'Dark Tourism'?
Dark tourism as an academic field of study is where death education and tourism studies collide. As such, dark tourism can shine critical light on the social reality of death.
It is now a recognizable field of academic study, which include interdisciplinary perspectives of the ‘darker side of travel’ in sociology, history, anthropology, museology, cultural studies, geography, thanatology, and business management.
Dark tourism can also reveal tensions in cultural memory, interpretation and authenticity, and political and moral dilemmas in remembering our ‘heritage that hurts’.
Dark tourism is also a recognized international research brand in which scholars and students from around the world can locate and analyse a diverse range of death-related visitor sites and tourist experiences.
What is the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies?
We are an online academic refereed journal.
We retail directly a range of original research papers by internationally recognized authors in their respective subject fields, as well as new and emerging scholars.
Our articles address critical themes, issues, and consequences of dark tourism. All our papers and research items are original and cannot be found elsewhere.
Who are the target readers of the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies?
Our research papers are typically aimed at college students, undergraduates and postgraduates, as well as professional researchers, scholars and journalists.
Our articles aim to help you in your own related research.
All our research articles are written in (UK) English.
Is the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies associated with the Institute for Dark Tourism Research (iDTR)?
No. The International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies is a privately funded venture brought to you by INKPOT Associates.
The iDTR (located at UCLan) have no moral responsibility or legal liability whatsoever for this journal and activities thereof.
While Dr Philip Stone is currently our Editor-in-Chief, the journal is not formally or legally associated with the iDTR and remains the remit of INKPOT Associates and its corporate policies.
However, we do support the scholarly work of the iDTR as we do all other individuals, institutions, groups, or organisations in the broader field of dark tourism research.
Are articles in the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies peer-reviewed?
Yes. Our in-house quality assurance ensure all submitted articles undergo a systematic and rigorous editorial and production process before being offered to you.
All our articles undergo initial screening for technical formatting, an editorial desk screening, then up to three anonymous 'blind rounds' of peer or expert reviews, and finally an editorial publication decision.
Our peer reviewers and experts receive free subscriptions to all our articles as in-kind payment for their professional services.
Typically, to ensure the highest academic integrity, including our unique 'Fair Deal for Academic Authors', about 80% of submitted articles to our Journal do NOT get published.
LEARN MORE about our peer review process.
What is your 'Fair Deal for Academic Authors'?
Our 'Fair Deal for Academic Authors' addresses inherent unfairness in the current academic publishing industry.
Traditionally, academic journal publishing revolves around authors providing 'free labour' by writing for free - or even having to pay for journal articles to be published.
We think this is an unfair approach which is outdated in the internet age.
We pay academic authors a royalty percentage payment (paid annually) based on volume of sales for a set period. The more an article sells (at an accessible and affordable price), the higher the royalty for authors.
This is typical in commercial publishing and we aim to disrupt academic publishing by adopting fair practices for scholars.
LEARN MORE about our 'Fair Deal for Academic Authors'.
Why do you charge for articles?
Our strategy is to offer readers accessible and affordable scholarship and research.
Academic publishers often charge prohibitive prices to individuals and institutions to access their journals or articles.
As well as institution annual subscriptions, we offer all articles (unless Open Access) for a fair price that reflect our commitments to readers, reviewers, and authors.
Our student-centric philosophy means that our articles are indexed against an average price of a pint of beer in the UK.
Do you offer Open Access for articles?
Yes. We offer free Open Access for special issue volumes, as well as some open access for volumes typically 36 months or older.
Unlike other academic publishers, we DO NOT charge individual authors or institutions any Open Access fees.
Open Access articles are clearly identified in our journal and are free to use for scholarship that abides by the usual academic conventions of citation.
Open Access articles are accessed by either a free download button and/or by on-screen full HTML text.
Can I trust the payment process on this website?
Yes, absolutely!
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I am from outside the UK - can I pay in my country’s currency?
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How do I receive the articles I purchase?
Your purchased article will be sent as a digital download link.
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Typically, your digital document will be automatically released just moments after your transaction has been confirmed.
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How long do have to wait until I receive my paper/presentation?
We strive for excellence in our service delivery.
We typically provide a download link to your item immediately after transaction and deliver your item to your email address within a few minutes of your completed transaction.
However, as we use PayPal as our Transaction Partner, your payment will need to be confirmed to us. This is an administrative ‘behind the scenes’ procedure and is standard practice within e-commerce. This can take a little time, depending on the volume of business our Transaction Partners are dealing with.
Once your payment is confirmed to us, we will then process your order and deliver your item(s) as stated.
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What happens if my article does not arrive to my email?
If your digital article has not been delivered to your email address within 72 hours of the transaction or if the download link is broken, please do contact our Support Centre, and we will deal with any issues immediately.
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Learn MORE about our Sales Terms & Conditions.
Can I pass off articles as my own from the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies?
No. All our research articles are copyrighted to the original author.
To pass off our research as your own is plagiarism.
All our research papers are governed by UK copyright law.
However, you can cite, paraphrase or quote any of our research in the usual academic fashion. You should always provide credit to the original author for any indirect idea or direct quotation you may use in your own work.
We encourage you to cite and reference our articles in your own studies.
Our aim is for our research to help you in your own studies, to provide viewpoints and to provoke critical thought and debate.
All our article have suggested citations.
Visit our Academic Citations and Referencing page for more information.
Can I share the paper(s) I purchase from the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies?
No. Our research papers and documents are strictly intended for the sole and exclusive use of the purchaser.
You CANNOT share our articles in full or in part or in any format whatsoever.
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Sharing and distribution in this context apply to all electronic, email, internet and social media resources, as well as through off-line means (e.g. photocopying).
Our full ‘Use of Services’ and Applicable Law can be found here.
Does the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies have a ISSN number?
An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication, such as the International Journal of Dark Tourism Studies.
As a newly launched online journal, we have requesting an ISSN from the ISSN International Centre.
At present, we have an ISSN pending.
As soon as we are assigned an ISSN, the number will appear in the footer pages of the journal.
We are a library or an educational institution and wish to purchase an annual journal subscription for library readership. How do we do this?
If you wish to purchase our research papers and/or presentations for a public or institutional library, then we shall be delighted to hear from you.
Our Library Licence Agreements are affordable and may based upon a number of factors.
These include, but are not limited to, annual fees, distribution and access rights, and student population or readership size.
Our Library Licence Agreements allow you to electronically store articles in your own institutional online repository and allow unlimited download access to your users for the duration of the Licence Agreement.
OR, Library Licence Agreements may include dedicated codes that can be used only by the institution readers to gain access to our journal.
In any case, please contact us for our full Library Licence Agreement terms and conditions.